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특허 및 신기술
NO. 구분 공법 명칭 번호 날짜 비고
22 특허 RDT Construction method of ecological bridge and its upper structure 10-1118552 2011-04-12
21 특허 RDT Construction Method and Upper Structure of Prestrest Concrete Box Girders Bridge 10-1134290 2011-04-12
20 특허 Lightweight Precom The upper structure of a composite girder bridge with high support and light weight and its construction method 10-1205761 2010-08-02
19 특허 HiTAB Construction method of a continuous bridge of a composite type 10-1191647 2010-05-28
18 특허 HiTAB The upper structure of a continuous bridge in a composite form and a connector used for it 10-1181665 2010-05-28
17 특허 HD Box Construction methods of box-shaped bridges 10-1125479 2010-03-05
16 특허 HD Box Manufacturing method of box-shaped steel composite girders and construction method of box-shaped bridges using them 10-1024827 2010-03-09
15 특허 HiTAB The upper structure of a continuous bridge with a composite form and its construction method 10-1006835 2009-09-18
14 특허 Bridge Suspended sidewalk bridge and its construction method 10-1079615 2009-08-24
13 특허 Rahmen A rigid synthetic girder in which compression pre-stress is introduced by a tension material and its manufacturing method 10-1126042 2009-07-07
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